Foster Care Awareness

Bringing relief to foster families and children awaiting adoption. Your money goes to provide a better life for the marginalized.

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There is no other way except through you.

We love our children.
They need you.

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Foster children often need help due to experiences of trauma, instability, and loss that arise from being removed from their families and placed into the foster care system. Many of these children face emotional, behavioral, and developmental challenges as a result of their past, including difficulties with attachment, trust, and navigating their identities. Additionally, they may lack access to consistent support systems, educational resources, and opportunities that can hinder their overall well-being and future prospects. Providing them with targeted assistance, stability, and nurturing environments can significantly improve their outcomes.

How are you called to help? The government helps with the bare necessities but to live a full life, more is needed. You can help by becoming a Foster Family yourself, by being a Volunteer, by financially supporting our efforts, or by prayers.